(937) 436-0556


The purpose of child support is to ensure that the children of divorced or never married parents maintain a standard of living similar to life before the divorce. One parent typically pays the other parent a set monthly amount determined by the family court that is not reduced during the summer.

In Ohio, child support is calculated based on guidelines outlined by the state. These guidelines take custody orders, the financial circumstances of each parent and any necessary adjustments into consideration and use a formula to decide how much money is owed to whom. They are also required for modifications that occur after the initial order is issued. Each parent’s gross income is the basis for a child support order.

Adjustments & Deviations in Child Support

Factors that may alter the child support payment due include:

  • The presence of a second family where there is another biological child or an adopted child
  • Child care costs
  • Medical expenses, including healthcare insurance
  • The amount of taxes each parent pays
  • A child’s special needs
  • A great disparity in income between the parents
  • The costs of other child support orders
  • The cost of spousal support
  • Work-related deductions that lessen an income level
  • Union duesDue & uniform costs

How Anne Helps Ohio Child Support Clients

Anne Catherine Harvey provides skilled legal assistance to clients who need to have their child support established for the first time. She also works with clients seeking order modifications due to a major life event change, such as being unemployed or a substantial increase or decrease in one parent’s income. Additionally, she can help enforce child support orders when delinquent parents fail to pay. She is well-versed in the issues surrounding how bonuses, overtime & commissions constitute income. Her experience as a practicing family law attorney in Ohio for more than 23 years is an invaluable asset to have by your side.

Reach Out to Attorney Anne Catherine Harvey

You need a strong lawyer to advocate for your and your child’s rights in child support matters. Anne Catherine Harvey has the experience and knowledge you need. Contact her Dayton law office online to set up an appointment with Anne. She serves clients in Montgomery, Greene, Warren, Clark and Miami counties, and has flexible office hours on an appointment-only basis.